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Tackling carbon emissions

Vodafone is committed to achieving net zero emissions from our own operations by 2030 and across our value chain by 2040.

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We recognise the great potential of the digital connectivity to accelerate emission reduction and address the impacts of the climate crisis.

However, we also acknowledge the environmental impact of technology, and that is why we have set ambitious goals to reduce our greenhouse gas emissions.


Taking action

Vodafone has set ambitious goals to reduce our greenhouse gas emissions. Our long-term SBTi-validated science-based target, is to achieve net zero emissions across our full value chain globally by 2040. This includes the absolute reduction of our Scope 1, 2 and 3 emissions by at least 90% by 2040.

However, with the entire climate challenge, we will only achieve our ambitions through collaboration and partnership, with our suppliers, our customers, our industry peers, and the governments and citizens in the countries where we operate.

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Net zero operations in Europe


Net zero operations in Africa


Net zero across our global value chain



reduction in our own operations emissions since 2020


of grid electricity we use globally matched with renewable sources


Exploring our Climate Transition Plan

Setting ambitious goals is not enough. We must plan and execute actions to achieve them. Vodafone’s first published climate transition plan, sets us on the pathway to net zero.

This Climate Transition Plan outlines our objectives, strategy and governance for:

  1. Reducing emissions over financial years 2025 to 2027, in line with our climate targets
  2. Managing our climate-related risks and opportunities to build climate resilience into our business

Our path to net zero

To support our ambitious goals, the pathways towards net zero operations are specific to the regions where we operate. In Europe, we aim for net zero emissions from our operations no later than 2028. In Africa, we aim for net zero emissions from our operations no later than 2035.


Achieving net zero in our operations

The biggest driver of our industry’s operational emissions is the burning of fossil fuels to generate the energy needed to run our networks.

As demand for digital connectivity grows, so too does the need to optimise energy efficiency and transition from fossil fuels to renewables.

Our goal is to match 100% of the grid electricity we use globally with electricity added to the grid from renewable sources by 2025.

We have achieved this in Europe and are seeking the same step change in Africa. We will work with others to develop new models for purchasing renewable grid electricity in Africa.

In Europe we continue to increase the proportion of power purchase agreements (PPAs) with renewable energy generators to procure longer-term energy contracts.

We will support the development and deployment of technologies that help us phase out fossil fuels and increase renewable sources of energy for both our stationary equipment and our vehicle fleet.

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Working with our partners towards net zero across our value chain

We will drive GHG emission reductions across our value chain, by engaging our suppliers and customers to make lower-carbon choices. We aim to engage with our key suppliers to align their climate ambitions with ours. By acting together with others in our industry, we will support our common suppliers to make their own transition by moving from fossil fuels to renewable sources of energy, improving energy efficiency and participating in the circular economy.

We aim to make lower-carbon, more circular choices more widely available and attractive for our customers. We will strive to provide customers with clear information about the environmental impact of our products and services, so that they can make informed choices about what they buy.

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