Progress Through Technology

A network for the future

Networks are  integral  to the  digital  world. 

They make it possible to connect people, places and things, through cables, fibre links, radio waves and satellites.

As more devices are added to today’s networks, demand on this infrastructure is growing.

We’re continually improving our systems to provide the best service to our customers – whoever they  are, wherever  they live.

At MWC24, we're sharing some examples  of our latest network innovations.

Connecting   billions

At a length of 45,000km, it is one of the world’s longest subsea cable systems and will connect billions of people across Europe, the Middle East and Africa.

In Africa, 64% of people don’t have access to broadband internet. The 2Africa cable hopes to change this.

But it’s not just parts of Africa that remain unconnected. There are hard-to-reach areas across the globe.

Using satellite technology, we want to eliminate coverage gaps 

and deliver instant communications in the event of natural or humanitarian disasters.

Unlike traditional radio access networks, Open RAN allows smaller suppliers to build mobile networks.

Another way we’re improving mobile networks is through Open RAN.

Already live in parts of the UK, we're now testing it in other rural parts of Europe too. 

Sitting at the heart of Vodafone’s mobile base stations, these chips are faster, more efficient and more reliable than today’s electronic equivalent.

We’re also improving some of the network hardware ourselves, with new silicon photonic chips.

As the reliability and speed of connectivity improve, we’re also exploring ways to maximise existing networks like 5G.

With Mobile Private Networks, businesses can create a dedicated, secure and reliable connection to support critical applications and facilities.

Decisions  on the fly

This allows the team and its coaches to get almost immediate performance data for quicker decisions on the pitch.

In Ireland, we’ve been using an MPN to help the Irish Rugby Team capture and analyse training footage.

Dynamic   slicing

Tests on trains have shown that even if passengers are messaging loved ones or streaming entertainment, operators can still communicate things like timetable changes.

Using dynamic network slicing, we can carve existing networks into multiple, independent networks providing applications with the unwavering connection they need.

A digital twin of our UK mobile mast network allows our engineers to visualise and strategise network improvements or expansion.

As our network builds and evolves, we’re developing new ways to plan its growth.

Vodafone’s Digital Twin >

As we look to the future, demands for greater capacity will grow. So, we need new ways to support existing networks.

Enter 6GHz spectrum, which can double the download speeds of today’s networks and ensure our customers receive even faster, more reliable 5G services over the next five years and beyond.