How it could reduce carbon emissions and help us in the critical fight against climate change


Advances in the technology we use to connect are changing all aspects of our lives.

What could this mean for the future of the planet?

What could this mean for the future of the planet?

Through real-time data,

Through real-time data,

farmers could make agriculture more precise, saving water and reducing their use of fertiliser.

connected smart sensors that automatically adjust power, lights, and temperature.

connected smart sensors that automatically adjust power, lights, and temperature.

We could boost the energy efficiency of our buildings through


With access to real-time data on power usage, energy grids could become smarter, more efficient,

and able to take action when there are emergencies like wildfires.

and able to take action when there are emergencies like wildfires.

And with telecoms networks in Europe increasingly run using renewable power, connectivity and digital services would not come at the expense of increased carbon emissions.

All these innovations will be enabled by ultra-fast, low latency 5G connectivity. But Europe’s transition to a lower carbon future relies on a healthy connectivity sector. Find out more here

All these innovations will be enabled by ultra-fast, low latency 5G connectivity. But Europe’s transition to a lower carbon future relies on a healthy connectivity sector. Find out more here

By 2030, connectivity and digital services could help reduce Europe’s carbon emissions by 15%.

By 2030, connectivity and digital services could help reduce Europe’s carbon emissions by 15%.